The specialty coffees are grown with great dedication and attention from the respective farmer. Only the best coffee beans reach the market and are therefore highly rated with over 85 points on a scale of 100, due to their rich flavors and aromas.
Species: Arabica
Altitude: From 900 masl
Process: Natural, aerobic fermentation
Screen: 15+ Variety: Various
Production Area: Various
Producer: Various
Martines Category: Specialty coffee Профил
Species: ArabicaAltitude: 1,000–1,750 maslProcess: Swiss water decaffeinationFermentation: -Screen: 14+Variety: VariousProduction Area: ChiapasProducer: VariousMartines Category: Specialty coffeeInformation: This coffee honors the mothers of all coffee growers in the Mexican region of Chiapas, for w..
Species: ArabicaAltitude: 1500 maslProcess: HoneyScreen: 15+Variety: TabiProduction Area: ApanecaProducer: Andres SalavierraMartines Category: Specialty coffeeProfile
Region El Salvador